I would like to thank Dr. Chris Schlacta, Dr. Vivian McAllister, James IV Association Canadian Secretary, and Dr. Ken Leslie, my Division of General Surgery chair/chief, for having nominated me for this travel award. I have felt an incredible honour in being able to represent this association and have benefitted tremendously from the experience and resultant contacts and collaborations. I selected centers to visit during my travels that would provide me with a broad view of how breast cancer is treated surgically (similarities and differences) across countries, as well as purposing to meet highly productive clinician researchers in the field of breast clinical trials in order to further collaborative research opportunities.
2018 – Dr. Muriel Brackstone
2008 – Erik D. Skarsgard
, Canada Travellers, Traveller Reports, 0
Erik D. Skarsgard, MD Division of Pediatric General Surgery BC Children’s Hospital and the University of British Columbia I...
2006 – Janice L Pasieka
, Canada Travellers, Traveller Reports, 0
Janice L Pasieka, MD, FRCSC, FACS University of Calgary, Calgary Alberta CANADA I am grateful for the honour bestowed...
2017 – Dr. Ravi S. Sidhu
, Canada Latest, Canada Travellers, 0
2014 – Geoff Porter
, Canada Latest, Canada Travellers, Traveller Reports, 0
Geoff Porter, Canadian James IV Traveling Fellow I feel incredibly privileged to have been a Canadian James IV Travelling...
2015 – Lorenzo Ferri
, Canada Latest, Canada Travellers, Traveller Reports, 0
Imperial College and Royal Marsden Hospital, London: The first leg of my trip started with a short jaunt across...
2007 – Jacob C. Langer
, Canada Travellers, Traveller Reports, 0
It is an honour to submit this report to the Canadian James IV Association. The opportunity provided to me...
2019 – Dr. Frances Wright
, Canada Latest, Canada Travellers, 0
2010 – Liane S Feldman
, Canada Travellers, Traveller Reports, 0
I would like first to express my appreciation and gratitude to the James IV Association for the significant honour...